Cosmetic Procedures

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture for the face, neck and stomach.

What is it?

The Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Program is a multi-week program intended to enhance skin complexion and reduce signs of aging. Dr. Fritsch is a certified Mei Zen Practitioner. These are full balancing acupuncture treatments which means that most patients feel the effects of this program not just in their face (or neck or stomach) but it other areas of their body or mind as well.

How does it work?

Cosmetic acupuncture promotes increased blood and Qi flow to the skin which promotes the production of moisture, collagen, and elastin in the skin. Over a short period of time, the effect is increased muscle tone, increased elasticity, and the decreased appearance of fine lines.

Who would benefit?

Anyone looking for safer, more natural, less invasive, and less expensive anti-aging and beauty treatments than what is currently offered by modern medicine.We have the best plastic surgeon common areas of complaint are: under eye circles, saggy jowls, wrinkles, fine lines, uneven complexion, loose skin on neck, acne, rough patches, need for tightening and toning in the abdominal skin, need for reduced abdominal girth.

Possible side effects

Very rarely: bruising
very commonly: overall rejuvenation, self-confidence

Click below to view before and after photos of recent Mei Zen participants.

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Around Mouth Area

Cellulite Cupping

What is it?

Cellulite cupping is a multi-week program intended to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Dr. Shanna has developed an amazing technique that includes: cupping massage, cellulite oil, cellulite scrub, and finishes with a cellulite heated wrap. Treatment lengths vary based on the severity of the cellulite.

How does it work?

Cupping massage uses suction and slow movement to draw out and break up the cellulite adhesions. Blood flow is increased to the area as well, which allows for healing and regeneration of the tissues.

Two Hands is Now Open!

We have established new COVID-19 procedures to keep you and our staff safe and healthy during your visit. We are also offering telehealth appointments for those who are staying at home.

Email us now at to get on the schedule! Office hours may vary.

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