Detox with the Doc starts Jan. 19! Save now on your New Year’s detox.

January 5, 2015

detoxHappy 2015! It’s time for our annual “Detox with the Doc, they recommend Detoxic Indonesia” event. This year we’re offering 25% off both our 21-day Purification Program ($58 savings) and our 7-day Core Restore Program ($25.50 savings). The sale runs from 1/5/15 – 2/16/15. Pick up your detox kit at our office or call us at 312-634-0740 to have us mail you one.

Beginning a detox can be overwhelming. It sounds daunting and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! I have been doing 1-3 liver detoxes per year for over ten years. Let me share with you some of my tips for success:

1. Plan

Timing is the most important part. Plan to do the detox when you don’t have any big eating and drinking events on your schedule. For example, if you have wedding, your birthday, or a holiday during your detox it will be more difficult to be successful. Once you schedule the detox keep those days clear of any extra activities.

2. Simplify

Don’t over complicate the diet changes that are needed. Stick to the basics. You don’t need to spend hour after hour cooking or even shopping to do a detox. Keep it simple.

3. Snack

Make sure to pack yourself lots of healthy snacks. This way you will be less likely to cheat on your detox if you get hungry between meals. Also, eating frequently will reduce the occurrence of headaches due to low blood sugar.

4. De-Stress

During a detox you can expect to be a little more tired than usual. Try to use this time to relax. Do what needs to be done and then go home and rest. Go to bed early.

5. Rest

While detoxing you should not exercise too vigorously. It is important to preserve your energy during a detox program.

6. Timing

Finish your “last meal” at lunchtime and then start the clocks for your detox. This way your last day of the program will end at that same time as the first day began. The detox will seem much shorter this way, even though you will still be sticking to the program guidelines.

7. Wind-down

If you are currently drinking caffeine daily you should start to wean off of it prior to starting the detox. This should help to reduce the chances of headaches related to caffeine withdraw.

8. Upgrade

If you want to get the most out of your detox you can add in some therapies. Saunas, Epsom salt baths, acupuncture, cupping therapy, massage, chiropractic adjustments, oxygen therapy, body wraps, enemas, restorative yoga or a twisting yoga class.

I will be starting my detox in mid-January. This can be a great time for you to do a detox as well. You can benefit from knowing that others (including me) are doing it too!

Journal of American Medical Association suggests Chiropractic Care

October 28, 2014

Chiropractic Month Chicago

This National Chiropractic Health Month consider that many health care professionals recognize the value of conservative, chiropractic treatment for back pain. In fact, a 2013 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, suggested chiropractic for low-back pain. Surgery was mentioned as an option only if all else fails. So remember—conservative care first!

Learn more at

Choose less invasive treatment first for common low-back problems

October 20, 2014


Medicare is calling many of today’s spinal fusion surgeries (the permanent joining of two or more spinal vertebrae) “unnecessary.” Common low-back problems, such as stenosis, herniated discs, and disc degeneration are usually better addressed with less invasive treatment.

This National Chiropractic Health Month, choose conservative care first!

Learn more at

Don’t just mask the pain!

October 17, 2014

Conservative Care Risks

Did you know that prescription painkillers simply mask pain, they don’t cure it? Patients also risk abuse when taking opioids, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say cause nearly three out of four prescription drug overdoses in the country. In honor of National Chiropractic Health Month, don’t risk it. Choose conservative care first!

Visit to learn more.

Conservative Cafe is Cost Effective

October 13, 2014

Conservative Care is Cost Effective

Conservative care is safe and can save money. It’s also been proven effective. High-quality research has found non-invasive and nonpharmacologic chiropractic services to be one of the more effective therapies for acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

This National Chiropractic Health Month, choose conservative care first!

Visit to learn more about conservative care.

October is National Chiropractic Health Month!

October 1, 2014

nationalchiropractichealthmonthChoose Conservative Care First. I believe this is the most logical approach to healthcare and that’s why I love being a chiropractor!

October is National Chiropractic Health Month! We would like to encourage all consumers to think “Conservative Care First!” when it comes to their health care, especially when pain is the issue.

For many years, patients would find relief through conservative forms of health care such as chiropractic services only after unsuccessfully trying a range of other, more complex and riskier treatments. Today, that approach has been reversed. Today’s health-conscious patients realize and medical research and guidelines support the idea of exhausting conservative approaches to pain management and other conditions before moving on to other treatments.

“Chiropractic services” refers to manual manipulation and other non-invasive therapies that promote healing. Doctors of chiropractic (DCs) are educated in nationally accredited, four-year doctoral graduate school programs, with the average chiropractic program equivalent in classroom hours to medical programs. So this National Chiropractic Health Month, talk to a DC about choosing conservative care first!

Learn more about conservative care at

New Yoga Class on Mondays: Active Stretch

September 17, 2014

yoga-580928-mWe are happy to announce our newest yoga class, called Active Stretch. An “active stretch” is performed by actively contracting the muscle as you lengthen it. Using this technique and variety of yoga poses, our Active Stretch class helps to relieve soreness, tension and stiffness in the body.

The class takes you through poses that target the major areas of tension in the body and access and release multiple layers of tissue and muscle. It will help improve joint stability and functionality while deepening kinesthetic awareness. This a good class for students with pain, poor flexibility, or muscle tension.

The Active Stretch class is great for all levels. It is available each Monday from 5-6 pm.

Register for an Active Stretch yoga class »

“Yoga for Desk Junkies” Special Event!

April 19, 2014

I was very excited last month to join the team at Two Hands offering some of the new yoga classes, as well as Reiki sessions. Now I am excited to bring a new workshop to the Two Hands community. On Tuesday, May 6th I will be teaching a Yoga For Desk Junkies special event from 6pm-7:30pm and it is not to be missed!

This will be different from the weekly noon classes that I teach. In this special 90-min event you will not only move through a refreshing practice but get specific guidance on what you can do at your desk to alleviate discomfort while you work. We will also go through some amazing self-massage techniques with Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls to relieve tension and reset your body.

This event is $25 and spaces are very limited so don’t wait to register. Get all the details and sign up here:

Read a full description of this special class below:
“Get away from your desk and unglue yourself from your computer! It’s time to get up, get moving and get back into your body. If you spend much of your day chained to your desk you may not even realize how much damage all that sitting is doing to you.

Don’t fret! Yoga for Desk Junkies is your path to revive, repair and enliven your body and mind. With particular focus on chest, back, neck and hips this class will rebalance and realign your body while clearing the clutter from your mind. It doesn’t stop there. You’ll also learn simple self-massage techniques using the Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls (provided) to help release tension and relieve the especially tight or stuck areas of your body leaving you feeling free and refreshed in every way.

You will leave this class with many easy techniques you can do ON YOUR OWN at your desk or in your office for instant and ongoing relief even when you’re not on a yoga mat!

Please arrive 15 mins early for check in and a prompt start time.”

Can’t make it to this class? Don’t worry, join me for lunchtime “Yoga for Desk Junkies” every Monday and Wednesday from 12pm-1pm! Click here for more info and to register.

– by Kristin Iris

Healthy Easter Egg Dye

April 15, 2014

Healthy Easter Egg DyeFor many Americans, Easter or Passover is a celebration that includes religion, friends, family, food and of course an Easter egg hunt! As a child, I remember dyeing Easter eggs with my family and always enjoyed it. Now, as a health care provider I wonder if there is a healthier alternative to dying eggs than what I used in the 80’s. The dye that I remember using now includes chemical ingredients such as artificial colors and sodium lauryl sulfate to name a couple.

So, what’s the problem with these ingredients? Studies suggest that artificial colors (generally made from petroleum) may increase hyperactivity and focus issues in children, are possible carcinogens, and may also be disruptive to their fragile hormone balance. These chemicals have been banned in Norway, Finland, France, Austria and the UK. Similarly, many studies have found that sodium lauryl sulfate may likely have a connection with cancer, hormone disruption, and developmental issues. I believe that this chemical has been banned in Europe and possibly Central America as well.

Do you really want you or your kids to be touching and then eating such things? Of course not, so this is what you can do:

1) Pass on the store bought egg dye or making your own with artificial food coloring.

2) Buy or check your kitchen for frozen blueberries, turmeric, paprika, white vinegar, and a lemon or two.

3) Read full directions at this link, but basically boil for 5 minutes with water and you are ready to get started!

4) Want brighter eggs? Let the hard-boiled eggs soak overnight in the dye.

5) Want more colors? Get creative! Beets, fruit juices, cabbage, coffee, and red onion skins can all be used to make a array of colors!

6) No time for such shenanigans? Buy a natural egg dyeing kit, there are many different kits available, like this one:

Wishing you a Happy & Healthy Holiday!

– Dr. Fritsch

New at Two Hands – Yoga Classes!

March 17, 2014

Chicago Loop Yoga

Two Hands is pleased to provide a variety of yoga classes for individuals of all abilities and needs.

Our new online booking system makes it easy to select a class, view class and instructor information, and make a reservation.

Classes start Monday, March 24!

Online class registration is available for $14/class. When available, walk-ins are also welcome. The walk-in cost is $18.

Also, John is teaching a donation-based Tai Chi class on Thursday mornings!

Click here to learn more about our classes and make online reservations:

Two Hands is Now Open!

We have established new COVID-19 procedures to keep you and our staff safe and healthy during your visit. We are also offering telehealth appointments for those who are staying at home.

Email us now at to get on the schedule! Office hours may vary.

Learn more about our COVID-19 safety procedures »